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We are 6 days out from our return trip and are trying to get all the odds and ends completed before we leave. Our stories are written, shots are outlined and we are finalizing our storyboards (Stephen Major Chisholm is cranking them out like a machine).
I have developed a database to keep this enormous amount of data together so we can check things off and log them as we complete them in Guatemala. Our production team is much smaller this time, so we need to streamline things as much as possible … last time we had 16 … this time we have four.  Hopefully this data prototype will work as planned.
We are excited about this opportunity to continue working on this amazing project.
Athentikos Production Team - Summer 2009
Athentikos Production Team – Summer 2009
Bobby, Bengy, J.Mac, Scott

We plan on posting video podcasts of our daily production while we are in Guatemala.  You can view them here in our blog, or subscribe to them in iTunes by going here:

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