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Thank you for all you’ve done so far to tell your friends and family about our campaign for our new film ‘Becoming Fools’ on 129 people have said they want to help street kids in Guatemala by pledging your support, raising over $25,000! We are honored and blessed by this generosity.

Help us reach $45,000 by Monday, September 5.
Make your tax-deductible pledge today.

This would put us just over 30%, which is a very important target to meet because it will put us in good standing with Kickstarter, and may provide more opportunities for promotion through them.
For those who haven’t pledged, is anything holding you back from pledging your support for the film?

Here are some answers to questions we have received.

What is ‘Becoming Fools’ about?
Becoming Fools’ portrays the vision of Italo, a professional clown, Italo, who invested in the lives of kids living in the streets. We want to honor Italo’s life by telling this beautiful story of struggle and hope.
What the problem?
In Guatemala, a child is abandoned every 4 days. 10 children are violently killed every week. Over 6000 children live in the streets. This is not just a Guatemalan problem. There are over a million children on the street worldwide.
Why are they doing it?
We’re passionate about this issue because the problem of street children exists everywhere. We’ve seen the impact a film can make with the success of our previous film, ‘Reparando’, and want to start a movement through this film that will impact thousands.
Why does it cost so much?
There’s a lot that goes into making a film including cost of equipment, travel, time, production, translation, editing, music, packaging and distribution. While we are paying some staff in the U.S. and Guatemala, we do rely on volunteers for a good portion of the work to be done.
How do they pay for it?
We rely on friends and organizations for support. A lot of labor is donated to make this film, reducing the costs. We are using a website called Kickstarter as a way to take pledges from people like you.
What happens if they don’t receive enough pledges?
This project will only be funded if at least $150,000 is pledged by Wednesday Oct 5, 3:16pm EDT. If the campaign doesn’t receive enough pledges, no money will be transferred and the project will not move forward.
How can I help?
We can only do this with your help in giving a tax-deductible donation and promoting the campaign. Pledge at least $25 to Becoming Fools on ourKickstarter page. Tell 4 friends to do the same and have them find 4 more friends who do the same. Promote it on Facebook and Twitter. Talk to friends, churches and organizations.
If I donate, when does the money get charged to my account?
Pledges to our campaign on Kickstarter are charged to your account AFTER the money is raised, after October 5. If all the funds are not raised, no money is transferred from your account at all.

 Make a pledge

We are excited (and yes a little nervous) to step out in faith to devote our time and lives to this film. This story has the potential to make a difference in the lives of street kids in Guatemala and around the world.
Will you join us?
-Scott & Amelia Moore

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