I have used the phrase, “walking forward in faith” a few times recently to describe my current season of life. Its a phrase I have often heard. I might have even used it a few times myself. But, I don’t think I have ever understood the depth and meaning of those simple words strung together in a sentence like I do today … and … I know someday I will look back on the level of understanding I currently have and say, “You didn’t have a clue”.
For context, here’s an abridged re-cap of the past three months of my life:
1. I lost my job.
2. My wife Amelia lost her job.
3. We decided to produce a new film called Becoming Fools, that focuses on street youth in Guatemala
4. Rather than look for a new job, we have spent all our time developing a Kickstarter campaign to fund the new film
Some people might think we were foolish to embark on this project, given the current variables of our life. Shouldn’t we seek a steady job? Why take this huge risk? Priority number one should be taking care of my family, right? Yes, but Amelia and I truly believe this story can make a difference in the lives of children living on the street. It is an incredible story and will gain a lot of attention when it is completed. It has the potential to ignite a movement.
Being the visionary type, I can see the final product in my mind … the poster, title sequence, story, closing credits and screening tour … I can see all of this and am driven to work hard to make the vision a reality. The walking forward in faith part comes into the equation with the fact that in order to accomplish all of the things I mentioned above, we need funding. Unless we reach our financial goal on Kickstarter by October 5, 2011, we will get nothing. This is another instance where people might call us foolish. We have a significant goal of $150,000. Some have asked,
“Why did you make your goal so high?”
My answer is the same every time: because I have run the numbers over and over, and that is the minimum we need to produce the story.
We didn’t flippantly establish our financial goal. We know it is a lot. And, we know very few projects raise this level of funding on Kickstarter. But, we also know that we are not in control. If God wants us to move forward and produce this film, He will bring the resources necessary to accomplish it. So, to bring this back around to walking forward in faith …
Two weeks into our campaign, we have raised over $20,000. This is a significant amount of funding – more than many Kickstarter campaigns raise. We are extremely thankful for everyone who has generously given. At the same time, with all things being equal, we are behind in the statistical numbers needed to make the campaign successful. It is easy to get discouraged at a time like this when the numbers are against you. But, life is more than a numbers game. They aren’t in control either.
I had an epiphany the other day as I described the current situation. Amelia and I truly ARE walking forward in faith in this Kickstarter campaign … AND … We ARE fools. We’re fools walking in faith with the knowledge that He who has called us to this knows what we do not … and He will carry us through.
We pray that God will move hearts and make this a successful fundraising campaign. We pray that this film will inspire audiences to respond to the needs of street kids around the world. And … we pray that God will give us the ability to continue to walk in faith with Him during this time of the in between.
Please join us in Becoming Fools. Make a pledge and ask others to join you.